3rd Janky CD in the works

Since I am transitioning to Austin from Dallas, I had a stint when I was drummerless so I decided to record a whole CD with my newfangled OneManBandDrumCo suitcase foot-drum. All drums on the next release are performed by me on the suitcase foot-drum. I really enjoyed this since I was forced to focus on the groove aligning easily with the guitar riffs. I learned this from my mentor, Reverend KM Williams. I am excited about this one. I am excited.

Track Listing.

Junior Kimbrough Quote – Cotton Patch Blues

“See, I have a different type of music from other peoples. They playing the other kind of blues, and I'm playing cotton-patch blues.Ain't nobody now can play the blues that I play.”
— Junior Kimbrough


Junior Kimbrough Quotes - One Chord

Junior Kimbrough Quote – One Chord

“My songs, they have just the one chord, there's none of that fancy stuff you hear now, with lots of chords in one song. If I find another chord I leave it for another song.”
— Junior Kimbrough


Spotify Playlists

I have created playlists of various styles and genres from both my research and listening pleasure.


Ghost Town Grooves

Janky took his harmonica player hunting. They both got huge 8-point bucks. On the way back they...



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