Janky Pictured In Living Blues Magazine

Janky’s mug finally made it into the pages of Living Blues Magazine, issue# 253, with RL Boyce on the cover. The Living Blues is and always has been the best blues rags out there and Janky is honored even though it is a small pic. Janky is seen in the Robert Kimbrough Sr article while playing with Robert at the 2017 Kimbrough Cotton Patch Fest in the Hut.


Janky is good friends with Robert Kimbrough Sr and plays with him all the time in Mississippi and beyond. Janky been to Switzerland twice with Robert. Janky also recorded Robert’s soon-to-be-released CD, I Been Fixed by You, in the Janky Studio in Dallas. Robert also played drums on Janky’s soon-to-be-released CD, Holly Springs, TX.



Janky Stage Plot

Janky getting professional with this fancy-smancy Stage Plot. This helps the sound guy or gal...



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