Janky Produced, Robert Kimbrough Release wins AMG Album of the Year

Janky produced, engineered and played some spicy leads on Robert Kimbrough Sr’s fourth CD, I Been Fixed – The Cotton Patch Soul Blues Sounds of Robert Kimbrough Sr. This release won Album of The Year at the 2019 AMG Heritage Music Awards in Charlotte, NC. Janky is honored to work with such a great talent and receive such an award for doing so. This CD was recorded in Janky’s studio in Dallas prior to moving to Austin. Janky also recorded Robert’s follow-up CD in early October 2019 at Robert’s home in Ashland, Mississippi. This CD is also on Janky’s record label ReverbUnit Records.

The Artists Music Guild created the Heritage Awards as an outlet to allow all forms of arts and entertainment to be recognized by their peers. The Heritage Awards are held every year on the second weekend in November. The AMG Heritage Awards presents twenty-five awards to artists in various categories. Despite the term, “music” in our name, we include all forms of artistic expression.



Junior Kimbrough Quote – Cotton Patch Blues

“See, I have a different type of music from other peoples. They playing the other kind of blues, and I'm playing cotton-patch blues.Ain't nobody now can play the blues that I play.”
— Junior Kimbrough


Junior Kimbrough Quotes - One Chord

Junior Kimbrough Quote – One Chord

“My songs, they have just the one chord, there's none of that fancy stuff you hear now, with lots of chords in one song. If I find another chord I leave it for another song.”
— Junior Kimbrough


Spotify Playlists

I have created playlists of various styles and genres from both my research and listening pleasure.


Ghost Town Grooves

Janky took his harmonica player hunting. They both got huge 8-point bucks. On the way back they...



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