Janky – From Here to the Moon

So I have a new song appearing an Americana CD compilation put together by The Cabin Record Co. This song is a definite veer from my normal music style. It has a Bob Seger meets Pink Floyd feel. This song was recorded about 4 years earlier. I play all instruments. The whole album is great. Please check it out. I have a 3 CD set called Red, White and Blue in the can that I pulled this song from. I started the project 4 years ago. It has heavy rock blues cd (Red) an instrumental cd (white) and a blues cd (blue).

Rooted in Song has been submitted for a GRAMMY.

Musical Excursions in Open D

Love to write all kinds of music. This is a little musical excursion. I went on in open D. I learned how to do the tapping and "playing from Darrin Kobetech. I am playing an Alvarez Parlor guitar.



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