Fender Telecaster Printable Headstock Template

I first ordered a Telecaster Kit guitar and could not find a Fender Telecaster Printable Headstock Template anywhere. So I made one. I sized it based on the kit’s width at the nut.

Next, I printed it out and then cut it out with scissors. I then laid it over the headstock and pencilled it in.

Bam. Ready to cut.

You can download this printable headstock PDF from the link below.

The download links on this page are not working: http://guitarkitbuilder.blogspot.com/2014/04/surf-monster-telecaster-shaping.html

Fender Telecaster Printable Headstock Template
Telecaster Printable Headstock Template

Musical Excursions in Open D

Love to write all kinds of music. This is a little musical excursion. I went on in open D. I learned how to do the tapping and "playing from Darrin Kobetech. I am playing an Alvarez Parlor guitar.



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