Epic Times at 74th Annual GOAT Picnic and Red’s Old-Timer Fest

We had a great time in Mississippi playing the 74th Annual GOAT Picnic and Red’s Older-Timer Fest @ Red’s. The GOAT Picnic started out kinda rough as the rain moved in but we moved it all inside the Shriner’s building and had a good-old juke. I set in with Lady Trucker and then did my own set with Chad Carroll on drums, Todd Roth on harp and Mississippi local Quatavious “Tay” Mason on bass.

Chad and I stayed at the Shack Up Inn in Clarksdale, MS which is amazing. I highly recommend this place.

We caught Lil Joe Ayers’ set at Red’s Old-Timer Fest. I recorded Lil Joe Ayers a few years ago in his house and it was an amazing experience. 

Later that night we played Red’s with Robert Kimbrough Sr’s Blues Connection which included Lee Stafford on bass and the amazing Kinney Kimbrough on drums. It was a great turnout as well.  


2024 74th Annual GOAT Picnic - Coldwater, MS
2024 Red's Old-Timers Festival - Clarksdale, MS

Musical Excursions in Open D

Love to write all kinds of music. This is a little musical excursion. I went on in open D. I learned how to do the tapping and "playing from Darrin Kobetech. I am playing an Alvarez Parlor guitar.



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