Musical Excursions in Open D

Musical Excursions in Open D

Love to write all kinds of music. This is a little musical excursion. I went on in open D. I learned how to do the tapping and “playing from Darrin Kobetech. I am playing an Alvarez Parlor...
CBG – I’m Goin’ Down Janky Style

CBG – I’m Goin’ Down Janky Style

I busted out the the CBG on a song I usually play on guitar in open D. This is my Lowebow Shorty Like Reverend KM Williams used to play. It has two strings. Low D and High D. Super fun song. I love it when my drummer Chad, steps it up to double time and then cuts it...
Blues Rules Switzerland was OFF THE CHAIN

Blues Rules Switzerland was OFF THE CHAIN

Wow. Wow. Wow. Blues Rules sure does know how to throw a proper blues party. Top artists, great sound team, great food and amazing people. I played Friday night on the main stage with the great Lady Trucker, Jessie Mae Hemphill’s cousin. The sound on stage was...