2023 Juke Joint Fest was LIT

I had a blast at this year’s Juke Joint Fest in Clarksdale, MS. Amazing music, and amazing people. Great memories. Cody Cotton and I left Austin bound for Dallas to pick up a Juke Joint Boy regular Clay Stinnet – he is one of my favorite people. After a brief stop at Clay’s we hit the road. We had a jam session on the ride, me on ukulele and clay playing drums on his cell phone. We rolled into Helena, Arkansas at about 3:30 in the morning and decided to crash for a little while in the truck. The next morning we woke and drove to Clarksdale with a brief stop at Muddy Waters’s old residence near the plantation. We opened for Robert Kimbrough Sr at Reds and played a second set when he took a break. We closed Red’s that night.

Saturday was bright and early as I was hired to backline and run sound on the Stone Pony stage. Cody sat in with Lady Trucker at 3:00 and it slayed. We played at 4:30. We were exhausted after that. We drove back to Texas at 6 am. It was an awesome trip.

2023 Juke Joint Fest


Lady Trucker Release

Janky has gone from writing songs about Jessie Mae Hemphill to playing with and producing a...


2022 Was Epic

2022 included a ton of great music adventures. I did the following in 2022: played all over...


Junior Kimbrough Quote – Cotton Patch Blues

“See, I have a different type of music from other peoples. They playing the other kind of blues, and I'm playing cotton-patch blues.Ain't nobody now can play the blues that I play.”
— Junior Kimbrough


Junior Kimbrough Quotes - One Chord

Junior Kimbrough Quote – One Chord

“My songs, they have just the one chord, there's none of that fancy stuff you hear now, with lots of chords in one song. If I find another chord I leave it for another song.”
— Junior Kimbrough



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